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Thursday, April 10, 2008

What fits in your nose?

My mother will tell you that when I was three, she gave me one of those small boxes of Sun Maid raisins. She will tell you how when I produced an empty box back to her, she was so pleased I liked them. Until of course she saw one sticking out of my nose. One by one they had to be removed, I apparently did not like them after all.

24 years later, I have a 4 year old daughter who has never had a small box of raisins for this exact reason. That is the honest to goodness truth. I figured that by not giving them to her I would be able to avoid the "removing items from child's crevasses with tweezers" bonding experiance.

As wrong as my mother was about my love for shriveled grapes, I was wrong about that.

Today Paige played happily with out asking to watch TV. Momentous occasion here. What with Hannah Montana and High School Musical, already there are things she has to see. I took random moments to check e-mail, fold laundry and pick things up - all while watching her closely. So I thought.

About 2 o'clock Paige comes to me, upset that the booger in her nose would not come out, despite her best digging efforts - of which she displayed for me. So, I carried her to the couch and looked up her little nose and sure enough there was a huge one in there, blocking the whole nostril.

My, booger sucker days when she was an infant left me able enough to navigate my way with a long pair of tweezers in to grab said booger. However, the thought of this terrified Paige, so we played the "Ok, blow really hard for me" game for a few minutes before I went in. That only left Paige more upset and, me, well - covered in snot because the other nostril.....worked great!

I bribed Paige with a piece of candy to let me go in and get out the green monster, and finally she relented and let me after it. Seconds later my tweezers emerged from her right nostril with a big, huge.....ball of couch cushion stuffing?

The second it was out of her nose, knowing she was busted for sticking something in there that didn't belong - she burst into tears. I, was still staring at the fuzz wondering why on earth even a 4 year old would stick that in their nose. Then I remembered my own little story and realized the answer was simple - because it fit.

Later, after all had calmed down and she had her chocolate which I had to give her as it was our deal, and explaining over and over why we don't stick things in our nose.....Paige called her father to say hello and explain her ordeal.

When he asked her why she would stick that in her nose, her response was simple and creative, she said:

"I was sniffing the couch really hard, and it just got stuck"


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that is awesome! Her response! Man, it must just be my kid, because this has not happened once, but repetitive times. Since she was 2. She just can't seem to remember that it doesn't come out as easily as it went in.

Piece of advice for next time, hold the one nostril shut while having her blow. ROFL That's how we got the olive garden mint out of Kat's nose. ROFL