Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 10, 2008

How Dumb Can I be?

My step dad, well he likes Scotch. So much so that I gave him a personalized ring tone on my cell phone of Will Ferrel in the movie Anchorman chanting a little tribute to Scotch.

Now, my step dad rarely calls my cell phone so we never hear this lovely little sing song, it's more of an in person joke between us now. Today when I called to see if I could pick anything up for the Mothers Day dinner tomorrow, he jokingly sang the song to me, and I, in front of Paige (well in front of her, rather as we were in the car) repeated it.

10 minutes later, I have a 4 year old proudly singing:

"I love Scotch, I love Scotch, here it goes in my tummy"

I had to laugh quietly, then kick myself sharply in the shin for being dumb and hope to God that she forgets it before the next time I take her in public.


Thryn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thryn said...

Oh dear, are we corrupting the youth?


(the last one got deleted because of a typo)