Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Friday, May 23, 2008

Flashback #4 Things I Think I Hear

3 year olds don't always speak clearly, and on any given morning before I've had my coffee, or during a mad rush to get out the door - certain things can be misheard and cause a bit of an uproar.

For instance, one afternoon while we are getting ready to take the trip back to daddy's, Paige is happily occupied with animal crackers at the kitchen table while I proceed to run around franticly looking for some misplaced shoe.

Shoes found and finally on feet, Paige hold up a cracker (can they really be called crackers? They taste like cookies to me! Ok sorry, ADD kicked in) and tells me she's like to give it to daddy. Fine, I say to her but I ask her to stick it in her pocket so it doesn't get lost, broken or befall some other fate worthy of a tiny camel cookie.

Now Paige is walking in front of me, partially out into the yard, and she says back to me with out turning around

"No, if I stick it in my pocket it will get all fucked up"

I stop dead in my tracks. What did she just say? "Paige hunny repeat that please"

"I don't want to put it in my pocket because it will get all fucked up"

I'm scanning my recent memory now wondering, did I stub my toe and let the F-Bomb slip? Where did she hear that?

I walk up behind her, as she reaches the car, spin her around and look her in the eyes.

"Paige, please say that one more time. A little slower."

This annoyed look, I must admit she gets from me, appears on her face and a "Uh!" comes out before hand but eventually she spits it out, very annoyed like:

"Mom! I said that I don't want to put it in my pocket because it will get all fuzzed up, from the fuzz (points to pocket) thats in my pocket! Geeze"


I seriously needed a hearing aid that day. And let me tell you, trying not to burst out laughing, while being shocked into a coma - isn't as easy as you might think. You can be the most straight laced person and a toddler whipping out the "F-enheimer" will make you shoot your tea out your nose!